Guest post on Publishing Crawl

Clearly I am not a regular blogger. But I did get to write a guest post for Publishing Crawl about writing outside your culture. Check it out here. More thoughts and links on this topic later.

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Accepting transgender teens

I went to a very white, very wealthy public high school, and often felt out of place. But I just saw this video about an Indian American transgender boy who goes to school there now, and I couldn’t be prouder of my alma mater. 

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Social Media Madness, in which I tweet a graphic and it goes viral, sort of

So last night, I tweeted this really cool graphic that I saw on someone’s facebook post on my feed. And one person retweeted it almost right away: my friend Sharon Levin. Within a couple of hours, a few more people had retweeted it, and I was like, “Cool!” This morning, I found that it had […]

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Whitewashing Asians in Hollywood

I think this video speaks for itself.

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In which I have a website and wish for emojis

So, yeah. I now have an official author website with a navigation bar and a link to my Twitter feed and my Goodreads page and everything! I’m feeling very tech savvy and proud of myself, though really it’s just a fancy digital version of paint-by-numbers.  In fact, I’m so proud of myself, I think I […]

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