Painting of grass and sky

Writing Resources

Some of my favorite writing websites:

Craft Resources

Finding an Agent

  • Query Shark is maintained by literary agent Janet Reid, is a great resource for writers who want to hone their query-writing skills.

  • Ask the Agent is maintained by literary agent Jennifer Laughran. Everything you ever wanted to know about the publishing industry from querying to going on sub, to royalties, to movie deals.

  • Query Tracker is a great resource for finding agents, checking out their stats (typical response times, rough ratio of Yesses to Nos, etc.) and keeping track of your own query process.

  • Manuscript Wish List is a fun website where agents and editors can post their “wish lists” for books they wish they could see in their inboxes.

  • Pitch Wars: You’ll need a Twitter account for this one, but occasionally they have what are called pitch contests where prospective authors can pitch their manuscripts with a hashtag agents/editors/volunteer mentors search the hashtag to look for books they might be interested in.
