Painting of grass and sky



Ancestors include: a poet, a priestess, a samurai, and a stowaway.

Family: one husband, two sons, two cats, and one king snake

Schools: New Trier, Princeton, Kobe Jogakuin, Stanford, Wilcox

Life’s little pleasures: boy band music, rom-coms, cupcakes, reuben sandwiches

Things other people like that I just can’t: Forrest Gump, card games, spicy food, fudge

Secret Superpowers: karaoke, chopping vegetables, massage, guessing what time it is

Pet peeves: clothes that don’t go in the dryer, pocketless pants and skirts, apostrophe and comma abuse, slow crosswalk crossers 

Things I love besides writing: reading, water polo, swimming, hiking, eating, baking

This or That?

Coffee or Tea?  Tea.

Vanilla or Chocolate? Vanilla. 

Beach or Mountains? Beach, but only if it’s warm and sandy and there are no dangerous critters.

Cats or dogs? Hmm. Cats are easier.

Batman or Superman? Batman.

Aunt: awnt or ant? Awnt.

Finn or Poe? Rey.